If you happen to dine in an English restaurant, you will probably notice some eating habits you have not seen anywhere else. The English have had some dining habits passed on from generation to generation.
A table may be all chitty-chatty, but once the food is served, everyone goes quiet. The British are mannered to swallow and chew food before speaking. And oh, guests usually wait for the host, who is often the person treating them to dinner, to signal them to begin eating.
You will notice that diners in the UK spoon the soup away from themselves at all times.
Even when they have a knife and fork available, UK diners use their hands to break rolls and bread.
The bread and rolls are broken into small pieces, which are buttered as they are eaten. Buttering the entire slice is an out of place habit.
You will notice that the English do not blow on hot food. Neither do they sip coffee from a spoon, or mash food on the served plate.